Çek-Türk Müşterek Ticaret Odası, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti ile ticari ilişkileri geliştirmek amacıyla Çek Cumhuriyeti Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı’nın izniyle 2006 senesinde kurulmuş kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluştur.

Oda; Çek ve Türk ticari organları arasındaki ticari alışverişin yer aldığı pazara giriş ve katılımlarla ilgilenen Çek ve Türk gerçek ve tüzel kişilerini bir araya getirmektedir.



Oda, Çek-Türk pazarına girme konusunda ilgili tüm muhtemel şahıslara açıktır. Üyeleri arasında etkili ticari alışveriş olanağı mevcuttur. Bundan başka; Odamız, üyeleri için, üye tabanına dahil olmayan kişilerle dahi ortaklık yapabilmeleri için gerekli bağlantıları sağlamaktadır.


Odamız her bir üyesine karşı bireysel yaklaşım sergilemekte ve iş planı anlayışına göre her bir üyesinin ihtiyacını karşılayacak çözümler üretmeye çalşmaktadır.


Hukuki ve ekonomik durum hakkındaki bilgiler Çek ve Türk hukuku alanında ve uluslararası ticaret ve uzun vadeli ilişkiler alanında faal olan uzman kişilerden temin edilmektedir.





Entry into Market

Our distinctive ability is that we know both Turkish and Czech markets and business culture so that we are capable of developing and executing a market entry strategy that works best for your business and the target market.
Tailor-made Business Plans
We create business plans for success in specific areas of practice, which help you to identify your core concept, goals, strategy, possible threats or weaknesses and competitive advantage among other aspects of busines that help you to start and run your business profitably.

Customized Market Researches

We provide you a path to reach fundamental components of the target market by the research study, which are mainly estimate of market size, projected market share and analysis of the current competition requirements in such target market.
Feasibility Reports
With the market feasibility studies, we provide you the discipline and insight to reassure yourself that your decision is worthwhile to follow up or not.

Company Set-up
Distributor & Wholesalers Network
We provide the precise point of view and accordingly better understanding reassure yourselves that your decision is worthwhile to follow up with the market feasibility studies.
Private Label Production
We help you to find private label producers and gather producers and customers. We simplify the outbound production process for you and commercialize your product or services.
We regulate the process of purchasing in order to increase the negotiating strength of you.
Fair Assistantship
We provide you consulting services in trade fairs. Consulting services include providing information about specific trade fairs, making reservation for places of booth at the fair, arranging B2B meetings, interpretation services and accomodation in the city of exhibition.
Meeting Assistantship

Contact with Potential Turkish & Czech Partners
Our experienced business development specialists are getting in contact with Turkish and Czech potential partners in their native language. Thus, we can exchange information between two sides and provide you up to date information about the available opportunities for your specific projects.

Web Development & Social Media Management

Web Development 
We help you to obtain web development services. Within the scope of these services, we define your request, arrange web design support and help you about content management.
Social Media Management
We provide support for arranging social media planning and management services in your new target market.




Relocation in Czech Rebublic
Relocation in Turkey
Business Mentality & Cultural Differences
Trainings on Tax & Other Legal Issues
Legal Regulation in Czech Republic & Turkey
Sworn (certified) & All Translations
Mergers & Acquisitons